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Get your free annual credit report: Get a free copy of your credit report every 12 months to ensure that the information on all of your credit reports is correct and up to date. Visit www.annualcreditreport.com to get started. How do I place a freeze on my credit reports? Contact each of the nationwide credit bureaus: Equifax…

Read More Protect Your Credit.

If you are affected by the federal government shutdown, please call us at 701-857-5541, send us an email at affinityfirst@srt.com or visit us at 811 South Broadway, Ste A, Minot. Affinity First is taking this situation very seriously. We want to help ensure there is minimal financial impact to our members. We will work with you to…

Read More Government Shutdown

The EMV chip, found in your VISA debit card, is highly regarded for its advanced security. When an EMV chip is used, it creates an ever-changing string of numbers that can’t be recreated. Whereas the older style magnetic strip is always the same, making it easier to duplicate your card to perform fraudulent transactions. If…

Read More EMV Chip Card Safety
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If you suspect you've been a victim of fraud or identity theft, call us at (701) 857-5541.